You Were in a Vehicle Accident on the Job. Now What?

Loss Control Insights You Were in a Vehicle Accident on the Job. Now What? Whether a worker travels often or only occasionally while on the job, and whether the vehicle is an 18-wheeler or a small car, being in an accident is a traumatic event. Regardless if the driver is injured, just shaken up or […]
9 Surprising Habits of Safe Drivers

What makes safe drivers stay safe on the road? The obvious answer is that these drivers obey the rules of the road—they stay within the speed limit, wear a seatbelt, don’t attempt to pass in no-passing zones, don’t drink and drive, and they turn off their phones. Of course, these practices are critical to staying […]
Smart Phone Use and Distracted Driving

Loss Control Insights Smart Phone Use and Distracted Driving There is no doubt that distracted driving causes vehicle accidents and deaths. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 3,166 traffic fatalities, or 8.5% of traffic deaths, in the United States in 2017 were linked to driver distraction. However, there is some disagreement on […]
The Dos and Don’ts of Extension Cord Use

Loss Control Insights The Dos and Don’ts of Extension Cord Use An extension cord’s gauge refers to the diameter of the wires inside the cord. Wires with a larger diameter can handle more electrical current while smaller diameter gauges handle less current. A cords gauge rating is typically printed on the extension cord. Use this […]
Top Five Factors That Lead to Trucking Accidents

Loss Control Insights Top Five Factors That Lead to Trucking Accidents EMC Risk Improvement Specialist Harold White logs an average of 30,000 miles on the road each year. His career has taken him to Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Utah, California and Arizona. “Regardless of the state, there are common causes for the many truck accidents I […]
Worker’s Comp Challenges

Which of these 10 Worker’s Comp challenges concern you the most? Risk and Insurance editors are working on an in-depth report about your most critical Worker’s Comp challenges for 2020 and we would like to hear from you. All responses will be confidential. The 10 critical challenges we identified for 2020 are: The changing workforce/population […]
How To Handle Addiction in the Workplace

How To Handle Addiction in the Workplace Addiction to drugs has become an epidemic in our country. So much so, that this problem often carries over into the workplace. Employers should educate themselves on the legal issues surrounding this matter to reduce the risks of liability that can result from taking certain employment related actions. […]
Is Workplace Bullying Illegal?

Is Workplace Bullying Illegal? Workplace bullying is on the rise. While statistics vary, some studies reveal that nearly half of all workers in America have been affected by workplace bullying, either as a target or as a witness to abusive behavior against one of their co-workers. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines bullying as “abuse and mistreatment of […]
Maximize Your Roof Investment With Roof Inspections

Loss Control Insights Maximize Your Roof Investment With Roof Inspections Roof failure is a leading cause of commercial property losses. Neglecting the condition of your roof can increase the likelihood of wind and hail damage, lead to failure and collapse, and accelerate the development of leaks that create mold and indoor air quality issues. Research […]

CAN TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING BE ALL THAT BAD? Managing growth while staying profitable Controlled profitable growth is critical to long-term success. However, growing too fast without properly managing growth can contribute to the demise of any construction company. It wasn’t that long ago when construction spending came to a screeching halt. Many […]