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Worker’s Comp Challenges

Which of these 10 Worker’s Comp challenges  concern you the most?

Risk and Insurance editors are working on an in-depth report about your most critical Worker’s Comp challenges for 2020 and we would like to hear from you. All responses will be confidential.

The 10 critical challenges we identified for 2020 are:

  1. The changing workforce/population demographics
  2. Mental health exposure/PTSD coverage
  3. Increasing complexity of claims
  4. New and expensive medical claims
  5. Opioid and substance abuse
  6. Drug prices
  7. Medical marijuana
  8. Comorbidities and poor worker health
  9. Regulatory and legislative changes
  10. Claims data breach/security

Please click the link below to our survey and tell us about the key Challenges you face.


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