
The Hush Hush In Business

My grandfather who founded ZORN had an old saying that has stuck with me since childhood and makes me think of him when I hear someone repeat it. He would say, “son there are two things you can count on as you get older, death and taxes.” The news has been filled with information around the tax cuts, but today I would like to focus on the other topic. I know it’s not an easy conversation. Most business owners will talk about taxes, but death on the other hand is off limits. As my grandfather said, there is a 100% guarantee that we are all going to die one day. Only God knows the time but we should be good stewards and prepare so our families, employees and clients are taken care of. As a Risk Advisor it has been my experience there are too many business owners unprepared. My encouragement would be for you to stop putting it off and get to work with your advisory team. I think that team should at least consist of your Risk Advisor, CPA and Attorney. Develop a solution that meets your goals after you are gone or unable. This peace of mind protects and preserves your life’s work.

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