Protecting Temporary Workers

Protecting Temporary Workers Workers employed through staffing agencies are generally called temporary or supplied workers. For the purposes of these recommended practices, “temporary workers” are those supplied to a host employer and paid by a staffing agency, whether or not the job is actually temporary. Whether temporary or permanent, all workers always have a right […]

Working in Hot Environments

Working in Hot Environments Foundry workers, pastry bakers and agricultural workers are just a few of the workers who are exposed to hot or humid environments. While most workers prefer a climate-controlled environment, this is not possible in many locations. Although heat-related discomfort is a complaint of many workers, it is not the most serious […]

Trenching and Excavation

Excavation cave-ins cause serious and often fatal injuries to workers in the United States. Excavating is recognized as one of the most hazardous construction operations, killing an average of 33 people and injuring hundreds each year. Recently, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) updated its standard to simplify many of the existing provisions, to […]

Lightning Safety for Outdoor Workers

According to the National Weather Service, there have been 26 fatalities in 2011 resulting from lightning strikes in 18 states and Guam. Workers account for about one-third of the total number of people struck by lightning; roofers, construction workers, road crews, pipe fitters and farm workers are especially at high risk.  Lightning typically strikes tall […]

Backing Vehicles Safely

According to the National Safety Council, nearly one in four vehicle accidents involves backing. When considering how much distance is covered each day by backing vehicles, as compared to those moving forward, the frequency of backing accidents is quite staggering. Backing accidents cause approximately 500 deaths and 15,000 injuries each year in the United States. […]


Heavy equipment designed to handle large loads can be dangerous if not operated properly. Operators need to remain alert and know how to properly use the equipment, while bystanders should be aware of their surroundings.  OPERATOR TIPS  Only operate the equipment if you’ve been trained  Check the brakes and other controls prior to starting the […]

Dump Truck Safety

As end-dump truck bodies and semitrailers have increased in length, the frequency of units tipping over has also increased. The construction and trucking sectors should be aware of this tip-over hazard, the contributing conditions and methods of prevention. Stability The primary hazard is related to the stability of the unit when the box is in […]

Working in Hot Environments

Although heat-related discomfort is a complaint of many workers, it is not the most serious problem associated with working in high temperature and humidity. Workers who are exposed to hot environments face additional hazards to their safety and health, such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion and fatigue. These hazards can be avoided by introducing engineering […]

Shoulder Injury Prevention for Truck Drivers

Long-haul truck drivers sustain injuries and illnesses that keep them off the road at double the rate of workers in other professions considered to be hazardous, including construction and farming, fishing and forestry. A National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) survey found that 26.3% of reported truck driver injuries were to their arms, […]

The Dangers of Driving While Drowsy

We all know drowsy driving is dangerous, but just how dangerous is it? According to the National Safety Council: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), reports about 100,000 crashes each year involve drowsy driving, while the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimates that there are actually many more, with up to 328,000 drowsy driving […]