
What to Expect During a Loss Control Survey

The phrase “loss control survey” may sound intimidating, but there is no need to be worried about the process. We conduct the surveys to better understand your organization’s operations and help your company management figure out how to better manage risks that potentially cause losses. It’s all about helping your bottom line.
Here’s what you can expect from a loss control survey:
The Pre-Survey Details
You may request a survey if you have a safety concern or if you simply want your EMC Risk Improvement representative to assist you in identifying ways you can better control risk. However, it’s often the EMC Underwriting Department that asks for the survey based on your company’s exposure to risk or past losses. In either case, you will be contacted 2 to 4 weeks in advance to schedule the survey at a time that works best for you and the Risk Improvement representative.
You should have someone available on the day of the survey to accompany the Risk Improvement rep and to answer any questions. This person could be the company owner, plant manager, risk manager, safety manager, representatives from your safety committee, HR department staff, maintenance supervisor, fleet supervisor or others. You may assign as few as a single individual to work on the project, or you may want to involve several specialized individuals. Your insurance agent may also be notified of the survey.
Depending on the scope of the survey, you may be requested to have a few items available for review on the day of the survey. Possible items may include documents about your safety program, training records, information on your products, or information on certain risks, such as training certificates for propane risks. If the survey involves property, you’ll most likely be asked to provide some building construction details. This will assist EMC in doing a replacement cost estimate for the building.
The Survey Details
The group involved in the survey will meet to get everyone on the same page. Topics of discussion may vary depending on the coverage you have, but may include company operations, products, history and construction of the building, safety programs, maintenance procedures, as well as loss trends.
This meeting is followed by the physical survey. The group will walk through your facility together and you’ll evaluate your company’s exposures and controls. You may look at the building’s materials and construction, as well as details such as your fire control system, machine guarding and more. You may also check out a job site, if this is applicable to your organization. The Risk Improvement rep may take photos throughout the walk-through to document anything he or she notices. In addition to walking through the building, the group will also check for hazards outside the building, including the general condition of the exterior, as well as hydrants, sidewalks and parking lots.
To wrap up the onsite visit, you’ll reconvene for a closing review and summary session. This discussion may include recommendations for controlling any exposures that were uncovered during the physical survey. The Risk Improvement representative may discuss other services offered by EMC that may help you control the hazards noted during the survey.
After the Survey
You may receive a list of recommendations so you’ll have a record of the discussion and walk-through details.
You may also receive helpful resources for training or fixing problems.
Your agent and the rep will be available to answer questions or provide follow-up support as needed.

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