
Drivers Gone Missing

Where are they?  Many of our clients we work with can’t seem to find or retain qualified drivers.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor it is estimated that the industry is short 50,000 drivers and the American Transportation Research Institute stated 56% of truck drivers are over the age of 45 with a gap of young drivers entering the industry.  The labor shortage seems to be a common theme with everyone.

If you are hiring very inexperienced drivers or skipping steps with pre-employment due diligence I would caution you. We understand your dilemma but from Risk Management perspective you cannot afford to jeopardize the entire assets of the company.  What are you doing to retain your drivers?  What are you doing to attract new drivers?  Do you have a driver qualification checklist?  We would love your feedback.  If you need help or want to bounce some ideas around let us know.

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