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Business Insurance Cost Recommendation

Business Insurance Cost Recommendation

 The NCCI, other state workers compensation regulatory bureaus, and state governments are still working to develop payroll handling and reporting guidance as it applies to the COVID-19 crisis. This holds true for General Liability policies as well. As we all navigate the COVID-19 crisis and its potential impact to the exposure basis on both in-force and future Workers’ Compensation and General Liability policies, we felt it important that we ask you to share some general guidance with your team on keeping payroll records.

 Payroll given to employees for time not worked related to the COVID-19 crisis should be separately identified in your records. This exposure should be captured to a unique payroll category.

 You should maintain payroll records for employees that continue to work but have taken on different duties in a manner that the payroll is identified and split based on the applicable workers compensation and general liability class codes.

 The above will enable the auditor to identify COVID-19 associated payrolls when conducting the audit. Those payrolls will be handled as determined by NCCI, the appropriate Workers’ Compensation bureaus, state governments, or ISO.

 Thank you for the trust you have placed in us as together we navigate these challenging times.

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