
Business Auto Trends

If you are not aware of where we are in the market in regards to the commercial auto we hope you find this insightful.  This may also help you understand the concerns all carriers are having right now including your personal auto carrier.  Georgia’s auto performance with distractive driving is terrible and one of the worse states.  Do you have a distracted driving policy in place?  The frequency and severity of auto claims are on the rise.  When you combine all these factors with how much it cost to fix even a fender bender you can imagine the scrutiny the carrier underwriters are challenged with in our current market.

If you have heavy trucks in your fleet like many of our clients the concerns are even greater.  They are expensive if they roll over (dumps) and cause a lot of damage if they hit something or someone.  Our experiences of most injured third parties think deep pockets with your company logo on the side of the trucks.  This is just the legal society we as business owners are faced with.  Our role is to provide insight to protect the assets of our clients and practice good Risk Management. If you need help with anything like a distracted driving policy or want to bounce some ideas around let us know.

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