7 Tips for Hiring a Qualified Roofing Contractor

If you’ve properly maintained and repaired your business’s roof, it should have a long life. However, eventually you will need to repair or replace it. When you do so, you’ll want to ensure you hire a qualified roofing contractor to do the job. EMC Engineering Services Supervisor Kody Daniel says he has heard horror stories […]

Slip-and-Fall litigation has continually been one of the largest liability exposures for retailers in all industries. It is important to be aware of the duties you owe to your customers. The need for slip and fall safety is just as vital for other industries as well. Traditional law has stated that retailers must exercise “reasonable […]
Prevent Harassment and Costly Claims with Proactive Measures

Sexual harassment is a hot topic these days. Did you know that over the past year alone, more than 200 powerful people, including popular celebrities and high-level corporate executives, have been accused of sexual harassment or assault? More and more alleged victims come forward daily. The most recent allegations were leveled against Leslie Moonves, who […]
Construction Contract Clauses: Late Completion Liquidated Damages and Incentives for Early Completion

By: Scott Cahalan and Darren Rowles, Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP This article examines liquidated damages clauses, clauses providing incentives for early completion, and the commonly held misconception that a construction contract that includes a liquidated damages clause must also include an incentive for early completion. As explained below, these clauses are independent and, as […]
Selling Safety: A Path to Driving Profit

Management has the most control over safety. Posters do not sell safety. It requires a steady commitment from management, so that is the first place to start. Just ask a worker where they think safety ranks in the company. Encourage open-minded dialogue. Various studies have shown that for every $1 invested in safety, the return […]
Worker’s Compensation: Risk Management for Independent Contractors

Significant exposure arises when an Independent Contractor is uninsured and their injured workers become the responsibility of the hiring employer. This high risk exposure can be mitigated with these practices: The hiring employer can require all ICs to sign a contract that includes insurance requirements. The hiring employer should have a dedicated employee responsible for […]
How to Hire a Minor

by Laura Pokrzywa If you are an employer planning to hire a teenager, you need to be careful to comply with federal and state child labor laws. These laws set forth specific guidelines for the hiring process, the working conditions, and the hours an underage employee may work. It is more than just putting up […]
Who are Generations X, Y, and Z and Why Should Employers Care?

by Nancy Owen, PHR Most dictionaries define a generation as “a group of people born and living around the same time as each other”. Not surprisingly, people of the same generation often have similar characteristics and values. Interestingly enough, one generation can be very different from another. Of the six generations currently living, three are […]
Reference Checks: A Key Component of Your Hiring Process

by Nancy Owen, PHR There is no doubt that the interview is the most valuable piece in a hiring process, but reference checks can be a close second for many reasons. Isn’t the main goal of an interview process to confirm the person’s skills, knowledge and abilities? And what about internal reference checks? Do you […]
Opioids: How Are They Affecting Your Workplace?

Opioids: How Are They Affecting Your Workplace? We hear a lot about the opioid epidemic in our country, that is, the use and abuse of pain medications including oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine and fentanyl. These medications were nearly unheard of just a few years ago, but now they appear in the news almost daily. Unfortunately, when […]