How to Hire a Minor

by Laura Pokrzywa If you are an employer planning to hire a teenager, you need to be careful to comply with federal and state child labor laws. These laws set forth specific guidelines for the hiring process, the working conditions, and the hours an underage employee may work. It is more than just putting up […]
Who are Generations X, Y, and Z and Why Should Employers Care?

by Nancy Owen, PHR Most dictionaries define a generation as “a group of people born and living around the same time as each other”. Not surprisingly, people of the same generation often have similar characteristics and values. Interestingly enough, one generation can be very different from another. Of the six generations currently living, three are […]
Reference Checks: A Key Component of Your Hiring Process

by Nancy Owen, PHR There is no doubt that the interview is the most valuable piece in a hiring process, but reference checks can be a close second for many reasons. Isn’t the main goal of an interview process to confirm the person’s skills, knowledge and abilities? And what about internal reference checks? Do you […]
ICE Audits Are On The Rise – Are You Ready?

The Trump administration has made immigration reform a top priority, and that includes a careful look at who employers are hiring. If you do not know what a Form I-9 is, or if you are unsure how to complete one properly (or not sure if your organization has someone who knows), take heed. Federal law […]